It took me forever to get here!


Context is always useful so for those of you who don’t know, this would technically be my 3rd attempt at running a blog to cater for my private projects (app ideas and such) from technical problems to platform decisions it has taken quite a bit of my time to be here.

Now that’s not to say that I’ve settled on how the blog is at it’s current state, as the cover image says, it was time to “stop making excuses” and get some blog posts out as a build up to upcoming projects and to allow for lessons that I’ve learnt to help other developers or those interested in the industry.

It has honestly been quite the balancing act to work on my own private initiatives as well as maintaining a full time job and that’s not to mention any of my general, social, charitable responsibilities. The area(s) of my life that have probably been affected the most would be my leisure time and the progress of my challenges and app initiatives.

I thought that naming the article genesis was befitting to the first post, no other reason beyond that so yeah, it’s going to take some time for me to build some consistency and write quality posts but I’ll eventually get there.

Thanks for reading through & good luck out there!

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By MolemaKlaas

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